So, I’ve recently moved into a place of my own (well, with a new roommate!) and I kinda feel like I’m reinventing myself. How’s that for new-age? Maybe it’s the cooler weather and the kiddos heading back off to school (or something complete else different), but I just feel an energy about life lately. I’m lovin’ that! There have been a few words that have driven this reinvention of Jaime… Courage. It’s inserted itself into my life in several uncanny ways (really, only God could have done this – ask me about it sometime!), but it’s encouraged (see, there it is again) me to have courage in life… to be who God wants me to be, even if it looks a little different than everyone else… to write whether anyone ever reads it or likes it… to live a life of intention. That is the other word… Intention. As I think about what will go into my “new life” as an apartment renter, I ask questions like, how can I honor God with my time? What should I spend time studying? Who should I spend time investing in? What should I have for dinner? I know, this all sounds overwhelming, doesn’t it? I have this inexplicable peace that it will all happen in its time as I trust the Lord. Yep, the cave of my now is definitely brighter, more hopeful and faith-filled.
What words are defining your fall/life season?