So, they all speak English as their first language... that's a plus. However, I feel just as much a fish out of water as I did 6 years ago (the last time I was involved in a church youth group) living and ministering in the Alps of Austria. I just got back from the first youth group night of the year. Can you say energy?!
I'll be helping out with junior high this year and while I'm excited to be involved again, I have to admit that junior high is not my favorite age. I didn't even get junior highers when I was in junior high! There were many times tonight that I wanted to bolt out of there and get away from the awkwardness. And what kept me there was remembering two experiences from my time in Innsbruck:
1. It was that completely awkward feeling standing in the youth room for the first time. not knowing anyone. not understanding any of the language. not one word. feeling completely stupid. uncool. feeling American. having thoughts like - what the heck am i doing here? and when can i leave? inability to remember names (or pronounce them sometimes). it seemed like this went on week after week with no end in sight... that struggle to engage instead of fleeing.
2. It was 10 months later, at a birthday party for one of my now dear friends, Judith. The room was filled with oodles friends and acquaintances from the city. Laughter and German chatter abounded and I was home. I sat on the couch, surrounded by some of my best girls... girls I had gotten to know (in German and in English) in the past year. Guys that I had hiked and biked with... students that had poured their hearts out to me because I had the time and desire to listen. It was my little corner of Austria... in that room. I remember sitting on that couch surrounded by completely familiar... and be incredibly overwhelmed and grateful at God's working.
Those two memories made me glued to my seat tonight. And I'm thankful for that glue.
Whoop whoop for junior high youth group!!