We hear a song or read a story & the good feelings we get don't remain inside of us. We are either anticipating them, or we've had them & they are gone. We never experience them as now... I'm writing a story about a little girl who discovers a cave where there is a lasting now...
The Gift of Asher Lev, p. 99

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Checking Out.

I came out of Iron Man 2 on the mega-screen and found myself looking up at the sky a lot.  On my late-night drive home, I envisioned myself catching a glimpse of Robert Downey Jr whizzing by on his way to save someone.  Or semi-intelligent drones rising up out of the fields to block my path, while trying to create world-wide pandemonium (Isn't Wisconsin the place global chaos would begin?!).  Movies just do that to me... they take me to a place just outside of reality.

Books can do that for me too.  I remember walking down the street on my way to the Bahnhof in Innsbruck, certain that I was being followed by Hadrid.  I thought he was going to kidnap me and I would be swept up into some new adventure at Hogwarts.  That was in the midst of my Harry Potter marathon in anticipation of Book 7 being released.

The point is that, I guess, movies and books are a great little getaway, but it's always scary how easily they work with my mind.  I would hate to come to the end of my life and have only a list of titles and films I'd experienced.  I would rather have experienced my reality.  By "my reality," I don't mean some sort of subjective mumbo-jumbo.  I mean, I hope that I will have experienced True Reality, in the way God made me to experience it.  To do and be what I was created for.  

What does that look like?  I think I'm learning about it every day.  I hope you are too.  Read a book by Karl Marx.  And then one by Glenn Beck.  Make a friend in Sweden or Greece via the internet and find out how daily life is over there instead of listening to the media's depiction of it.  Roll around your yard like a dog and enjoy a beautiful day instead of watching beautiful days made up on television.  Play catch with your kid instead of promising to do it tomorrow.  Throw a party for your wife just because you love her.  Do this because, well, because God has given us this world as our reality to interact with... Don't check out and flip on the movie channel all weekend!  That's not what we were made to do...  we were made to live!