We hear a song or read a story & the good feelings we get don't remain inside of us. We are either anticipating them, or we've had them & they are gone. We never experience them as now... I'm writing a story about a little girl who discovers a cave where there is a lasting now...
The Gift of Asher Lev, p. 99

Friday, August 15, 2008

Things I've thought of today

Sleeping in tomorrow will be absolutely grand... first time in over a month!

I get to spend 24 hours with my bosom college buddy this weekend in Chippewa Falls. And I'm juiced. BIKING!

God is strengthening me inside somehow, to fight against apathy, idleness and complacency. I feel as though I could take on the world. I just may.

I have another job now! My cubicle [read: grave or tomb] is just moving several rows down. New boss, new co-workers, but a lot of the same work... and the same paycheck ;o)

I really enjoy the smell of pregnant women!

I'm discovering the art of looking like I'm doing something important while I slack off. Today, I overheard a good conversation in the hall. I wanted to hear the end, so I followed them for awhile, inconspicuously of course! Just look like you have a destination, even if it is only to check off a new bathroom from the list.

Next week in the cave: A 5-part blog series on reasons why I should not author a blog series.

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