We hear a song or read a story & the good feelings we get don't remain inside of us. We are either anticipating them, or we've had them & they are gone. We never experience them as now... I'm writing a story about a little girl who discovers a cave where there is a lasting now...
The Gift of Asher Lev, p. 99

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Love the sinner, or the sin?

In the midst news coverage exposing Bristol Palin’s teen pregnancy, I am stand at a fork in the road, asking this question: How do I continue to despise sin while accepting and reaching out to the one who sins? One the one hand, I readily desire to embrace sinful people [and myself] in love and forgiveness. On the other, I find myself becoming more and more comfortable and desensitized to sin… I become okay with it. Divorce, teen pregnancy, and lying – God hates them all – and yet, I so easily dismiss them. Vice Presidential candidate, Sarah Palin’s daughter, Bristol, made a mistake, like we all do… so I can understand that. I can sympathize with small amounts of willpower, self-control and making poor decisions. I can especially identify with being painfully exposed in my sin by the pure, gracious Light of God. But all too often, I find myself inviting sin in for an afternoon tea. I am numb to the wrongness and ugliness of disobeying God. What to do?

My only conclusion is that God has the equilibrium in this dangerous tightrope walk. Jesus does not throw stones at the sinful woman, yet he overturns the tables of the money-changers. He cares for the Samaritan woman, though she’s had five “husbands.” And if God has this ability, then doesn’t He also want me to have it and also have the ability to give it to me?

Pray that I would be able to love people toward holiness. Pray also that others would love me toward that too.


Anonymous said...

I love your writing in this post, Jaimie.

It is difficult, at times, for us to know how to react to sin. I found myself having a difficult time this past weekend. Jesus calls us to give people the benefit of the doubt. The moneychangers in the Temple should have known better and were cheating people for their own benefit, while the Samaritan woman was acting out of her pain and low position in life.

I think the verse that has helped me the most to react to situations like this is Micah 6:8. But, when I see something that is blatantly against God's Word I need to speak against it, always with humility, of course.

Anonymous said...

Not sure where to reply to your comment.
All I can say is..
I thought I had disabled my blog from view of others. It was kind of.. well.. really meant to be my diary blog. Sorry you had to read my rantingness.. it must've been kindof shocking?
I hope you don't think less of me :/

Well. All's fixed now, I found out how to set it to an actual diary blog.. so..
Thank you for being interested in my life though, sorry at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and to answer the actual blog.
I feel much the same way, on sin. And I will pray for you, as well as try to seek the same!